Jason's Bio
Founder & CEO Transcend
Jason Scott is a hypnotist, coach, writer & speaker in the field of human potential. His work explores the power of altered states of consciousness to transform the mind and enhance human wellbeing, development and performance. For the last 10 years, he has coached and advised high-performers in all fields to think, feel and perform at their best.
My Story
I grew up outside of Washington D.C., and at an early age, developed the 4 core interests: human performance, consciousness, philosophy and entrepreneurship.
Around 18, I developed the habit of reading and a passion for self-development which unified my 4 interests. At the time, I was building a business as a shooting coach on the back of an instagram page I grew to ~100k followers. I held at least 1 unofficial world record (most consecutive free throws made while alternating hands) and was training college and professional players to optimize their shooting mechanics.
I soon realized that, while the mechanics were important, most of the improvement I saw in clients was based on developing their mindset & self-confidence. At this point, I was 19 and planning to study cognitive neuroscience while working to get a roster spot as a preferred walk-on at a Division I school. I was playing at a junior college but was sidelined with injuries.
By 20, I'd met with top NBA draft picks to discuss full-time off-season training. At the same time, I was considering dropping out, moving on from basketball and moving to Los Angeles after an inspiring trip with a close friend. I eventually decided to go all in on entrepreneurship & self-development beyond college & basketball, since I'd long hated the formal education system and had a father who strongly encouraged autonomy and self-education. I moved to LA in 2017 and started a few social-media-based projects while continuing to self-educate around psychology, neuroscience and philosophy. However, I soon became disillusioned with what I was doing professionally after my first psychedelic experience at 21, since the business I'd started didn't align with my core interests.
Over the next several years, I focused on exploring consciousness and human potential from both the 1st person (meditating 2,000+ hours and spending another 1,000+ hours in altered states through psychedelics & plant medicines); and 3rd person (reading nearly 1,000 books in the relevant areas of science & philosophy). I also befriended several world-class educators, coaches, scientists and shamans who became mentors. I transitioned back into performance coaching, this time with entrepreneurs & investors, focusing on techniques that alter consciousness to rewire the brain, enhance performance & increase well-being. Aside from coaching, I advised and consulted for several health, biotech and medical companies in my early-to-mid 20's.
I also participated in several hypnotherapy trainings from the top "experts" and training companies in America, but quickly realized how shaky and pseudoscientific their foundations were. It seemed like 50% of the hypnosis content out there was stage magic; 40% was self-help pseudoscience; and 10% was evidence-based, but almost entirely geared towards medical applications (pain, anxiety, PTSD, etc). I eventually got serious about teaching myself hypnosis, mostly by devouring the scientific literature and running experiments in the laboratory of my own consciousness, after having already spent several thousand hours navigating my own mind thought meditation, psychedelics, coaching & psychotherapy.
The many hours I spent exploring psychedelics and hypnosis, both experientially and through the literature, led me to understand the unique degree of synergy between these two psychotechnologies that hasn't been studied since the Controlled Substances Act in 1970. Psychedelics spark transformation via increases in neuroplasticity, cognitive flexibility, suggestibility, alterations in our normal frames of reference, and access to unconscious content; hypnotherapy sparks transformation by controlling and directing these exact capacities. Heightening and harnessing the mind's plasticity in this way to enable specific, rapid, powerful changes became my central interest.
Fast forward to 2024, and I've worked in various capacities with high-performers in all fields: billionaire philanthropists, professional athletes, hedge fund managers, 9-figure biotech entrepreneurs, entertainers, neuroscientists and social media influencers. My work revolves around one simple, central premise: It's our beliefs about ourselves and the world that shape how we think, feel and behave—and all of the results we produce.
The notion that we don't experience reality "as it is", but rather, that our brains actively predict and construct our subjective reality based on our prior beliefs and expectations is the basis of not only how I coach high-performers, but also how I view the biggest problems that civilization faces. It's the way our minds make sense of, and construct, reality that forms the basis of nearly all human conflict and failures of collective coordination.
I believe the only path forward to realizing human potential at both the individual and collective levels is a genuine increase in consciousness and intelligence—in the ability to seek, take and integrate multiple perspectives. This cognitive empathy & flexibility is central to human development, and is greatly aided by technologies that alter consciousness and temporarily free us from our habitual, narrow ways of seeing the world and our relationship to it.
While I remain open to coaching individuals who are pursuing mastery in any field, most of my energy is now focused on working with conscious entrepreneurs and high-performing leaders who are motivated by unlocking human potential and driving society forward. If that sounds like you, feel free to reach out on social media or contact me here.
I spend most of my time nowadays thinking about altered states, hypnosis and psychedelics through the lens of predictive processing; as well as the overlap between high-performance and spirituality. I'm especially interested in helping to repair and modernize the perception of hypnosis in the public consciousness in light of recent advances in cognitive neuroscience and psychology that have yet to replace absurd Hollywood depictions. If you share any of those interests, I'd love to connect as well.
I'm also available for consulting and regularly collaborate with researchers and entrepreneurs in the psychedelic, hypnosis and neurotech spaces.
I'm technically based in Santa Monica, but have spent the last ~2 years in Bali, Miami, Peru & Tampa. Outside of work, you can catch me training, biohacking, philosophizing about the future of technology and human potential, or doing just about anything that will get me into a flow state.