Jason currently offers 2 forms of 1:1 coaching: a 1-week-long intensive program, and a 3-month long advisory program. Both programs are by application only, and screening is required to ensure that applicants are mentally & physically healthy.
Note: Jason is not a medical professional and does not treat any kind of mental or physical disorder. These coaching programs are available only to healthy, high-functioning individuals who are looking to explore the farther reaches of their potential. While trained in "hypnotherapy", Jason is not a psychotherapist and encourages anyone experiencing psychological troubles to seek medical advice, not coaching.

Transcender v.1
1:1 Advisory | 3 Months | Application Only
Jason's flagship program harnesses the power of altered states of consciousness to transform the way you think, feel and perform. The neurohypnodelic framework leverages:
1. Self-Directed Neuroplasticity: The ability to use your mind to consciously rewire your brain and nervous system.
2. Psychedelics: Neurochemical elixirs which expand consciousness; reveal the unconscious; and supercharge neuroplasticity, cognitive flexibility and hypnotizability.
3. Hypnosis: A powerful tool for harnessing your mind's plasticity in order to modify your "operating system" and reprogram cognitive, emotional and behavioral patterns.

1 Week | 3 Sessions | Screening Required
This week-long experience is comprised of 3 sessions:
Session #1 (1hr): Jason will help reverse engineer the mental constructs that are limiting your ability to think, feel & perform at your best.
Session #2 (3hr): This hypnodelic session will heighten & harness neuroplasticity, cognitive flexibility & suggestibility to "unlock" your brain & redesign your mental architecture.
Session #3 (1hr): This final session will focus on integration and includes a 20min hypnotic trance recording to practice for 3 weeks in order to hardwire new patterns into your nervous system—taking advantage of the critical period of heightened plasticity that's reopened by psychedelics.

Online Course | 8 Weeks | Coming Late 2024
Jason's 1st course will teach you how to harness the power of hypnosis & self-directed neuroplasticity to reprogram your brain & nervous system.
Learn to reshape your mental architecture & take control of your cognitive, emotional & behavioral programming in order to build neural pathways to your best self.